- All 4 team members• Each team has 3-head of livestock turned out in the arena
- Each team MUST complete all three tasks (listed below) within a 5-minute time limit. If ANY one task is not completed, the team receives a NO-TIME. Time starts as soon as any member crosses the start line, and stops once flagger indicates that all three events are complete.
- steer loadin'
- range doctorin'
- stray gatherin'
- Everyone MUST rope, no one can head or heel 2x in each event.
- The 11 teams with the fastest accumulated time in the three events advance to the finals.
- In the instance of a tie, the tied teams will agree on an event in which they will compete and the winner earns the position in the finals.
- Preliminary round payouts are based on the number of teams entered.
Top 11 teams from preliminary round compete in the finals.
Blake’s Trailer Loading
- Two teams at a time with all four team members from each team
- two trailers are parked in the arena, teams have four horses saddled inside the trailer and there are four steers in the arena.
- Time starts when the horn sounds.
- Riders must rope two steers and load them into the trailer.
- Time stops when the gate is latched (horses do not have to be loaded)
- Two-minute time limit
Head, Heel, and Brand
- one team at a time with all four team members from each team
- time starts when horn sounds
- team must head and heel cattle and lay it on its right side
- team must then brand cattle on the left rib
- Time stops when the iron is returned to the stove
- two-minute time limit
- herd of cattle must be held across the line
- only the participating team’s cattle # can be across the line or a “no-time” will be installed
- once the participating team’s cattle # crosses line it cannot go back across the line or a “no-time” will be installed
- 3-loop limit
Rope, Mug, and Tie
- two teams at a time with all four team members from each team
- cattle are held at one end of the arena
- time starts when horn sounds
- team must head the designated steer, then mug the steer down, and tie three legs
- time stops when catch rope is off the steer
- steer must stay tied for six seconds (tie time starts when rope is off steer)
- roper cannot trip bust or drag steer.
- two-minute time limit
Pendleton Ranch Bronc Ride
- ranch bronc ride is an 8-second ride that is judged and scored
- one team member
- bronc rider MUST be a team member
- must use a stock saddle with a horn
- rider may use a night latch and ride with two hands if desired
- no binds at the stirrup leathers
- halters are provided and should be checked by the team
- team must provide their own hack rein
- horses are flanked and pick-up men provided
- it is the team’s responsibility to check the halters
General Rules
- participants are only allowed to participate on ONE team
- all teams must enter all four finals compulsory events to be eligible for prizes
- the team with the highest total points is the winner
- if needed, tie breakers are based on the fastest time in the “Rope, Mug, and Tie” event
- abuse of livestock is not tolerated and will result in team disqualification (including, but not limited to abuse of cattle or horse with any part of your rope, reins, or whip)
- • unsportsmanlike conduct s not tolerated and will result in team disqualification
Timed Events 12-Point Scoring
Place (Points): 1 (12), 2 (11), 3 (10), 4 (9), 5 (8), 6 (7), 7 (6), 8 (5), 9 (4), 10 (3), 11 (2), 12 (1)
Bronc Match 18-Point Scoring
Place (Points): 1 (18), 2 (16), 3 (14), 4 (12), 5 (10), 6 (8), 7 (6), 8 (5), 9 (4), 10 (3), 11 (2), 12 (1)